Just a few stories from programs around the country who have switched to a full Pocock Racing Shells fleet.


“It didn't take me long to see that the Hypercarbon K4+ was a cut above the boats from regional manufactures that hung from our racks.”

Like so many people in the sport, Amherst College Crew Team Head Coach Bill Stekl’s first exposure to Pocock shells came as an athlete. “It was 1975 when I first stepped into one as a novice oarsman” Coach Stekl remembers. “I was brimming with excitement about my new found sport, and the racing shell, made from Northwest Cedar back then, was sleek and exotic if not a little intimidating. Just a few weeks later I won my first race in that Pocock, at the inaugural Head of the Connecticut Regatta.”  READ MORE


“Working with Pocock has been a perfect fit for a program like ours.”

The philosophy at Green Lake Crew is simple: Pull hard, go fast, have fun. GLC has been offering this philosophy to the youth of Seattle, along with countless other intangible lessons that come along with the sport, since 1948.

Jason Frisk is the Director of Green Lake Crew and the Small Crafts Center. Green Lake Crew is one of the largest juniors programs in the country, averaging around 150 young athletes per year.  READ MORE


“Pocock stands behind their product like no one else, and their response time is simply amazing.”

Junior programs around the country face the same primary challenges. The first is getting the word out that they exist. The second is convincing a kid with no knowledge of the sport to choose rowing over the thousands of other things they could be doing.

Head coach at Marina Aquatic Center, Zohar Abramovitz, has faced these challenges like other junior coaches. However, 16 years into his tenure, his club doesn’t need to actively recruit or advertise. “We are strictly a word-of-mouth operation these days,” says Coach Abramovitz. “The guiding principle is that if the kids in the program are having a good experience, they’ll tell other kids about it and their parents will tell other parents. That seems to have been working.”  READ MORE