Maas Double

The Maas Double is designed as an open water racing shell as well as a club race/trainer for intermediate to advanced rowers. In its first year of being raced, this boat captured four course records — 3 in open water, 1 in flat water.

Despite the narrow (14.75″) waterline beam excellent stability is achieved through a slightly flattened hull section shape and a low center of gravity. Rough water stability and dryness are enhanced by the flared hull form above the waterline. As on all our shells the externally bonded hull to deck lip reduces spray and adds stiffness. Other open water features include minimum volume cockpits, optional self bailers and carbon fiber splash guard.

Construction is of carbon fiber for stiffness; fiberglass for impact resistance; syntactic foam core for panel stiffness and vinylester resin for toughness and ease of repair. There is a carbon fiber foam core stringer that adds substantially to longitudinal stiffness. Exterior finish is 4-6 mil gelcoat.

Flat water speed trials against top level flat water doubles have shown no appreciable speed difference. The Maas Double has proven to be far and away the fastest open water double available. If you want to win a race or set a new course record, this will be the boat to row. In flat water races when conditions are less than ideal, this shell would be a formidable contender.

As an Open water race winner or a flat water club racer/trainer the new Maas Double has some exciting possibilities. Give it a try. We really believe in this boat — and we’re not quite sure why it is as fast as it is.

  • Length: 31′. Beam at waterline: 14.75″. Beam max: 22.5″
  • Weight: 70-72 lbs
  • Maximum combined rower weight: 480 lbs
  • Rigger: Wing style. Welded 6061 T6 aluminum tube construction. Adjustable for height, spread and work through the pin. Elegant, light and rigid
  • Skeg: Large anodized aluminum
  • Self bailer: Optional, very useful for choppy conditions — a must for open water racing
  • Seat: High performance carbon single action seat
  • *Foot Stretchers: Carbon fiber/fiberglass, cored construction, neoprene and Velcro straps — easily adjustable over a 7.5″ range — adjustable heel cup height
  • *Oarlocks: Adjustable for height, pitch and spread (155-165cm)
  • Inspection port: 4″ diameter
  • Positive Flotation: 6 air bags

Price: $13,500